Now she is running for President of the United States to continue protecting our freedoms, delivering justice, and expanding opportunity so that every American can not just get by, but get ahead.
Federal Offices
Since he was elected to the United States Senate in 2006, Bob Casey has worked to create family-sustaining jobs and foster financial security for Pennsylvania families; protect our children and invest in their futures; ensure safety at home and respect for America abroad; promote honesty and accountability in government; preserve the dignity of the vulnerable of all ages among us; and advocate for his constituents and help them solve problems they face.
As a United States Senator, Bob Casey has established a long record of results on behalf of the people of Pennsylvania. He was the prime Senate sponsor of landmark legislation for individuals with disabilities, the Stephen Beck Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE), which allows millions of families across the United States to save for the long-term care of their loved ones with disabilities in a tax-advantaged savings account. As concerns arose across the nation about the dangers of campus sexual assault, Senator Casey took action and passed into law the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE), which outlines steps schools can take to educate students and help prevent sexual assault, requires uniform reporting standards for sexual assaults on college campuses and requires schools to provide clear guidelines to students on their sexual assault policies.
From legislation to crack down on terrorists’ financing, to a law that makes it easier for small businesses to expand, Senator Casey has passed into law a wide range of measures to keep Americans safe and financially secure. He is committed to raising wages and creating and retaining jobs across Pennsylvania. A tireless advocate for middle-class families, workers, and seniors, Bob Casey is a voice for those who are threatened by Congressional Republicans’ recent attempts to give tax cuts to the ultra-rich and to undermine Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
State Offices
He has been chosen for multiple prestigious fellowships and international delegations including: the Bertelsmann Leadership Fellow in the Digital Economy, the bipartisan Hunt/Kean Leadership Fellow in Education, and American Jewish Committee (AJC) Project Interchange.
Representative Kenyatta is a barrier-breaking public figure, becoming the first openly LGBTQ+ person of color and one of the youngest members elected to the PA General Assembly in 2018. In 2022, he became the first openly LGBTQ+ person of color to run for the U.S. Senate in American history.
Representative Kenyatta has been a vocal proponent of protecting workers' rights, enacting common-sense gun safety policies, and rooting out government corruption and waste. He has multiple legislative leadership roles: member of the powerful State Government Committee with oversight on state agencies and elections, Minority Chair of the Subcommittee on Campaign Finance and Elections, Minority Chair of Automation and Technology in the Committee on Commerce, and a member of the Finance Committee. Since elected, he has additionally served on Governor Tom Wolf’s Suicide Prevention Task Force, and he has been a member of the Philadelphia Delegation leadership team.
In 2020, he was chosen by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to give the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention along with a group of other ‘Rising Stars’. Representative Kenyatta appears regularly on local and national media outlets including 60 Minutes, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News.
His political career and life have been the subject of two documentaries: an award-winning short, Going Forward and an Al Roker (Today Show)-produced feature length film, Kenyatta: Do Not Wait Your Turn. He lives in North Philadelphia with his husband Dr. Matthew Kenyatta and their dog Cleo.
I spent 15 years of my career as a substance abuse and mental health counselor and served as a program manager and director in treatment systems in multiple Western PA counties. In 2003, I began working at the Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addiction (IRETA) as their Process Improvement Manager. My work was dedicated to reducing the 10-year information gap between best-practice research and clinical integration throughout Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey.
During that time, I had the privilege to train under the direction of former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, where I learned supply chain logistics and lean process improvement strategies to eliminate errors, increase effectiveness, reduce waste, and improve outcomes in large systems. While at IRETA, I served as an opiate addiction consultant on the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy's (ONDCP) 25 Cities Initiative.
In 2006, I designed, successfully state-licensed, and operated the first and only orthomolecular recovery program for addiction in Pennsylvania. This program raised nearly $2 million in venture capital funding and was featured twice in Industrial Engineer Magazine for using supply chain management principles and lean systems to improve effectiveness. Not willing to succumb to common claims of over-regulation in the substance abuse treatment system by some providers, I set a goal to achieve a perfect evaluation in the clinic's annual state audit and achieved it.
In 2014 and 2016, I was the Democratic nominee for the United State Congress in Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District serving Cambria, Somerset, Beaver, Westmoreland, Lawrence, and Allegheny Counties. Being on the ballot with Donald Trump and seeing first-hand the issues of rural and working-class voters ignored by my own party was an experience and a conscious awareness that I carry with me to this day.
In 2015 I began performing process improvement and policy work at the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS). My work includes redesigning the organization's employee performance management system, developing a merit-based hiring process and policy, writing the employee medical marijuana policy, and identifying points of systemic-bias in the employee recruitment and retention processes. Every day I work to standardize employees' work, eliminate systemic bias, and advocate for blame-free work-place principles that protect workers, improve morale, and decrease turn-over and other forms of systemic loss.
I have thoroughly enjoyed starting and operating a small business and working to improve government systems, processes, and policies while advocating for our public-sector workers. My experience has taught me, in any large complex adaptive system, it doesn’t matter how good your intentions are if you don’t have viable systemic answers to two fundamental questions: What problem are you trying to solve and what is the root cause of this problem? The devil lies completely in the details of the policy solutions you implement. And it’s time we elect a responsible, honest-broker to oversee the Commonwealth’s Treasury who is committed to rebuilding our state’s supply chain with transparency and integrity and managing our taxpayer’s coffers with diligence and accountability.