With Chester County scheduled to begin sending out mail ballots this week, we’re taking a look at some FAQs about mail-in voting in the county.
It’s important to note that Pennsylvania’s Election Code gives counties a lot of discretion on matters such as drop boxes, satellite election offices and similar processes. This column applies only to Chester County – the PA Department of State has an excellent election website including specific information on mail ballots.
How will I know when my ballot is mailed out?
Chester County emails individual voters when their ballot is sent. You can also use this tracker for the status of your mail or absentee ballot.
I heard that the Post Office at the West Chester Airport is closed because of a fire. Will that delay getting my ballot?
No. The county sends ballots out through a third-party mail house; they do not go out through the West Chester Post Office. The Chester County Commissioners and Congresswoman Chrissy Houlihan have been working closely with the Postal Service to ensure that ballots returned by mail that would have gone to the West Chester location are closely tracked to make sure they are received in a timely manner.
How can I make sure my mail-in vote will be counted?
The first step is to be sure you’ve followed all the instructions for completing your ballot:
- Mark your ballot
- Place the ballot in the yellow envelope marked: ”official election ballot” Do not make any marks on the yellow envelope. Seal the yellow envelope.
- Place the sealed yellow envelope in the pre-addressed outer return envelope. Seal the outer envelope and sign and write the current date on the outside of the outer envelope in the space provided.
Several lawsuits are working their way through the courts involving challenges and whether counties must offer voters an opportunity to correct signature or date issues on the outer envelope, in a process known as “curing”. (Chester County already does this, but not all counties do. Again, this is an artifact of the varying processes used by counties). If you take your time and carefully follow the instructions provided, you can be confident your vote will be counted.
If you use a drop box or satellite office to return your ballot, staff will make sure the outer envelope is properly signed and dated. Note that the drop box staff do not check the authenticity of signatures — they only verify that the outer return envelope is signed and dated. Signature authenticity is checked at the county. Take care when writing your signature so that it is similar to the signature you provided when you registered to vote.
When will drop boxes and satellite election offices open in Chester County?
Ballot drop boxes will open Oct. 22 in 13 locations across the county – mostly at libraries. Hours and other information are here. Satellite offices at the Government Services Center, Oxford Public Library and Henrietta Hankin Library open beginning Oct. 15. Please note that drop boxes typically open a couple weeks after you receive your ballot in the mail – so if you plan to drop it off, make sure not to misplace or forget about your ballot. Keep it in sight and in mind!
Mail-in voting is one of the easiest ways to exercise your right to vote, letting you take the time to fully understand the ballot issues and make informed choices from the comfort of your home. If you have any other questions about mail-in ballots, please reach out to us or go to www.votespa.com for more information.